How To Clean Headphones

How To Clean Headphones

It’s common to use your headphones or earbuds almost every day, but can you recall when you last cleaned them? When you keep using them, your headphones can be dirty with ear wax, dirt, and sweat, which can affect sound quality and carry bacteria. However, you can clean headphones in a little while at home.

Cleaning your over-ear headset or in-ear headphones has never been easier, thanks to our simple and effective methods. Keep reading for all the necessary information to make your headphones look and sound great!

PRECAUTIONS: Make sure your headphones or headset are unplugged or turned off. Disconnecting any devices you’re plugged into is important to prevent damage to the electronics. Turning off your Bluetooth headset or headphones before starting cleaning is necessary.

Note: If your headset batteries are removable, please remove them.

What You Need to Clean Headphones

The cleaning materials needed for headphones are generally the same, regardless of their type.

To clean your headphones, you need the following materials:

  • Soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Cotton swab
  • Soapy solution 
  • Isopropyl alcohol (preferably at least 70%)
  • Lint-free cloth or paper towel

Follow these steps for cleaning headphones.

Maintaining the cleanliness of your headphones enhances their comfort and durability. The procedure for doing it is as follows:

  • Gently pull the top of the ear cup away from the earpads to remove them. The pad’s placement around the inner rim is secured by ten tabs, which should easily release when pulled.
  • Apply soapy water to a clean cloth and wring it out to remove excess liquid. The cloth fabric must be damp and not wet.
  • Perform a series of small circular motions. Clean the front and back of the cushions with a damp cloth to remove dirt, earwax, and other buildup, then leave them to dry naturally. The padded portion of the headphone headband can also be cleaned using this same process.
  • Use a soapy cotton swab to clean small nooks and crannies. Squeeze out excess liquid from a cotton swab dipped in soapy water. Clean the headphones’ minor holes, vents, and tight corners with a cotton swab. Afterward, use a cotton swab to clean the inner edges of the ear pads.
  • When buildup occurs on your headphones’ charging port or buttons, use a soft-bristled brush to gently remove the residue.

Bonus: These cleaning methods mostly clean your headphones on the upper side, but sometimes ear wax, dirt, and sweat accumulate in the headphones’ speakers, so Fix My Speaker provides a unique sound wave that helps to eject all these things.

See also  How to clean earbuds?

PRECAUTIONS: To prevent damage to the electronics below, be sure not to get the screen covering the inner headphones when wet. If necessary, use a dry cloth to wipe dust off the screen.

How to clean headphone ear cushions

How to clean headphone ear cushions

Here, I tell you some steps that help to clean headphones ear cushions.

  • Take off the earpads from your headphones. Depending on your model, you can do this in various ways, but it’s only a technical matter of gently pulling the earpads off.
  • Remove any crumbs or hair with a lint roller. As a preliminary measure, roll a small lint roller over the surface of your pads to remove anything stuck to them. Depending on how dirty your headphones are, you may need multiple sheets.
  • Pour clean water into a bowl and add a pinch of laundry detergent to create suds. Use a clean paper towel or cloth to soak in the sudsy water and wring out any remaining dirt.
  • Gently wipe the ear pads with a damp cloth. Avoid exerting too much pressure, as this could damage the leather. Repeat this process until the dirt is gone.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove dirt or grime from your earphone pads. Brush these stubborn spots until the dirt and other gunk have released, and then wipe them away with a clean, sudsy cloth.
  • Place your pads on a dry towel and lay them face up on a flat, dry surface. Spread a paper towel or cloth over the surface. Allow the pads to air dry for several hours or days to prevent them from becoming damp.

How to clean headphone jack

How to clean headphone jack

It’s recommended that you clean the headphone jack to ensure your headphones connect to your device without any issues.

There are several ways to clean headphone jack.

Cleaning headphone jack by using cotton swabs

Select swabs that don’t appear too fluffy to prevent cotton from leaving behind in the jack or port. The jack makes fitting swabs with thinner tips easier because they work better.

NOTE: Before proceeding, ensure that your device is powered off.

Carefully brush the jack. It’s best to avoid jamming the swab into the jack. Gradually insert it until it is seated inside the hole. Rotate the swab and brush off all sides of the jack. The majority of the debris will fall out after the swab is removed.

Cleaning headphone jack by using alcohol

Apply rubbing alcohol with a swab. To deal with hard-to-remove debris, dip the swab in rubbing alcohol. Make sure that the swab is lightly coated without getting soaked or dripping. First, use a tissue or cloth to squeeze out any excess moisture. Insert the swab back into the jack and spin it once more.

Use a clean swab to dry the jack. It should be quick for the rubbing alcohol to dry on its own. To reduce the exposure of the jack, you can eliminate excess moisture. Ensure that the jack is covered with a clean swab. Hold it in place for a brief period and turn it to gather the alcohol.

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NOTE: Wait at least an hour before turning your device back on.

Cleaning headphone jack by using a can of compressed air

Direct the nozzle toward the earphone jack. Ensure that the air dispensing opening is located immediately next to the jack. There are bottles that have thin straws that extend from the can. You may find it easier to use these since you can direct the tube directly at the jack and direct the air into the small opening.

Allow the air to escape. Start dispensing air by pressing the button on the top of the can. Loosening most of the debris inside the jack should only require one or two blasts. Ensure that everything exits the hole.

Cleaning headphone jack by using a taped paper clip

Unscrew a paper clip until one end is straight. The paper clip must be straight first to remove debris. Avoid inserting metal into the port, as it can scratch the inside of the jack.

PRECAUTIONS: A toothpick can be used, but the pointed ends can damage the interior of the jack.

Tape the end of the clip. Use regular office tape, such as Scotch or Sellotape. Secure the sticky side of the tape around the straightened end of the paperclip with a tight wrap. Make sure the tape is securely attached and won’t come off before using it.

Carefully place the taped end of the paperclip into the chuck. Move the tape steadily to align it. Avoid cramming it in there. Look for any debris you can see. Using the tape, create a lint roller to remove stuck debris and lint.

For added safety, it’s a good idea to clean the headphone jack with a cotton swab after using a paper clip to clean it.

Frequently Ask Question

Cleaning over-the-ear headphones can be made easier using cotton swabs, either dry or dampened with rubbing alcohol. Using Q-tips is an effective way to get rid of buildup and residue from body soils and personal care products.

Ear wax does not destroy all earphones. Etymotics offers models that require regular replacement of the ear wax filter.

Make sure to avoid moisture getting into the openings and avoid submerging headphones in water or liquid cleaning agents. Stay away from using bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or cleaning rough agents. Do not use sharp objects.

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